Audit of a government grant

Do you want to apply for a subsidy or do you get a subsidy from government agencies? For example for innovation, art, environment or sustainable business. If so, the subsidy provider may ask you for an auditor’s report. Our experts will perform the audit for you and ensure that the correct data is submitted to your subsidy provider.

What is a subsidy audit?

A subsidy audit involves an auditor verifying whether you have fulfilled the conditions set out in your subsidy application. The auditor assesses whether you have spent the subsidy on the stated purpose and whether you have met other requirements imposed on you by the subsidy provider.

Purpose of a subsidy statement

Subsidies are often provided under certain conditions. A subsidy statement from an auditor may be one of these conditions. The statement is intended as a guarantee for your subsidy provider. The statement shall indicate whether the conditions laid down have been fulfilled.

Why we should audit your government subsidy declaration:

  • Experienced auditors.

  • Quickly and easily upload your supporting documents into an online portal.

  • Efficient service through our automated processes.

  • A unique fixed price guarantee and short lead time guarantee.

  • Always informed about the progress of your project through the online portal.

  • Quality due to industry knowledge.

Are you ready for The Audit Generation?